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Compare two data sets by date sum totals

6 - Meteoroid
Hi I am trying to take two data sets and do a summary comparison of the total sum for each date in the data sets. See below for two example data sets and example output. Thank you!! Date From Data Source 1 " Actual Amount 1 " 5/3/2021 1,285.63 5/3/2021 2,195.21 5/3/2021 1,966.45 5/3/2021 17,770.21 5/4/2021 17,470.10 5/4/2021 1,347.99 5/4/2021 1,928.53 5/4/2021 1,332.96 5/4/2021 4,129.72 5/4/2021 4,105.07 5/4/2021 747.73 5/5/2021 576.34 5/5/2021 444.33 5/5/2021 52.27 5/5/2021 7,741.95 5/6/2021 7,831.28 5/6/2021 2,874.17 5/6/2021 915.53 5/6/2021 768.09 5/6/2021 272.85 5/6/2021 2,357.19 5/7/2021 -429.00 5/7/2021 1,218.09 5/7/2021 1,180.22 Date From Data Source 2 " Actual Amount 2 " 5/4/2021 4,105.07 5/4/2021 17,470.10 5/4/2021 1,928.53 5/4/2021 1,347.99 5/4/2021 1,332.96 5/5/2021 7,741.95 5/5/2021 52.27 5/5/2021 435.09 5/5/2021 25.00 5/5/2021 9.24 5/5/2021 576.34 5/6/2021 1,017.82 5/6/2021 310.94 5/6/2021 757.52 5/6/2021 270.91 5/6/2021 7,831.28 5/6/2021 2,874.17 5/6/2021 915.53 5/6/2021 768.09 5/6/2021 272.85 5/7/2021 1,180.22 5/7/2021 1,218.09 Output Date Total Data set 1 Total Data Set 2 Variance 5/3/2021 23,217.50 0.00 23,217.50 5/4/2021 31,062.10 26,184.65 4,877.45 5/5/2021 8,814.89 8,839.89 -25.00 5/6/2021 15,019.11 15,019.11 0.00 5/7/2021 1,969.31 2,398.31 -429.00
17 - Castor

Hi @Jon12 


Could you attach an excel file or something? I think your sample data didn't post correctly (I hope that's not how your data is!)

19 - Altair

See attached.
