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Combining same rows and adding those together / summarize

8 - Asteroid



So, I have some information on my sheet such as the name of the company. I want to combine them (the same company) into one and add them together.

I want to add the columns of value and SHRS or PRNT AMT seperately. I'm wondering if anyone can guide me on what to do with this.

Also, when I select the data, I changed the Value(x1000) and SHRS or PRN AMT to Double. HOWEVER, the numbers become smaller. For example, before I changed them, they were like 1,000,000 now like 100? I'm not sure if it's a bug or something.

Thank you very much



17 - Castor

Hi @rively90 


You'll want to use the summarize tool. Group by the issue and SUM the amount columns (assuming the data type is numeric). For your second thing about the number changing - please provide sample input/workflow so we can review your configurations.


8 - Asteroid

Okay. I attached my workflow

17 - Castor

Hi @rively90 


You'll need to export the workflow so the input files are maintained (assuming no confidential data). Go to Options>Export Workflow. 

8 - Asteroid

oh thank you. that's good to know.

11 - Bolide



regarding the number changing - please remove the commas (thousands separators) and it should work fine:



8 - Asteroid

thank you so much. it works

11 - Bolide


Glad to hear that!

17 - Castor

Hi @rively90 


A few pointers/suggestions here:


  1. You're overcomplicating things by having so many separate input tools, then repeating the same parsing steps. When you see this, there's always a better way.
  2. In this case, since it's all from the same file you can read in the list of sheet names, update the file path for each tab, and pass it into a dynamic input tool.
  3. The steps around renaming/skipping the first 2 rows are unnecessary. In an xlsx input you can specify the start row (see the template in the dynamic input)
  4. Like @JarekSkudrzyk  mentioned, you need to remove the commas. I opted to use a multifield formula to update all 3 numeric fields together in one formula.
  5. I included an example of the summarize tool. It summarized the 1900 records from all the tabs into 70 records for each company.

Please reach out if you have any questions. Have a great weekend!





8 - Asteroid

thank you for replying!


I'm new in Alteryx. My tutor told me to make a separate tool container instead of the dynamic input. Our end goal is to and probably make interactive graphs. I'm not sure how to make interactive graphs like Tableau in Alteryx.


I'm also new to Alteryx. This is my first week using it. Thanks for your feedback! It will save time in the future!
