I have my left and right data column anchors of Join tool arranged in the desired order as above. However after join I wish to arrange them one after another without disturbing this order as shown below:
How can I achieve this? Help appreciated!
Note: This is just a mock data above and my real data contains over 100+ columns
The Join tool enable you to arrange the order of the fields, just move them to the desired order
@omkarshinde one way of doing this
Hey @binuacs Appreciate your help!
However the macro is messing up the column field names when there are more than one words by replacing spaces with additional _, replacing / with _ and so on because of which union tool is considering all column names as new
Hey @OTrieger there are actually 100 fields+ and reordering 200 fields inside join tool is becoming a hassle
@omkarshinde Can you provide the sample fields name which you are acing issue? i will adjust the regex formula according to that
@binuacs example whenever there are:-
multiple words in column name separated with spaces then they are replaced as _ instead
spl chars in column names such as () + / - then they are replaced as _ instead
@omkarshinde @That is the default property of the cross tab tool, it will convert any special character to _, if you have special characters in the field name, then I need to make some adjustments in the macro, one question, is both input files are having same number of fields or it may differ
@binuacs both input files have exact same name and fields number
@omkarshinde updated workflow attached