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Check Changes to data source

5 - Atom

Hi all,


Is there any way we can confirm that no changes to the data source have been implemented from the prior run? For example, that all required fields are available for collection?


I thought about using Records Count function, but how do we compare that count with the original when the source is already changed? Perhaps my logic is wrong here.


Thank you!

8 - Asteroid

Hi harry,


If I understand your question correctly, when you run the workflow and the input has 100 records for example, the next time you run the workflow you want to confirm the input still has 100 records and not 98 or 102, etc?
You could write a simple output file that contains the record count each time you run the workflow. This output would be overwritten each time the workflow is ran. You can compare that record count to the current record count at the beginning of the workflow. You wouldn't have to use it, but the Crew Expect Equal tool ( would be good for this purpose. 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @harrynguyen2000 ,


the attached example can give you an idea of what is possible. I used CreW Macros for it, as mentioned above.

To test this yourself, add some rows or rename columns in the Text Input and hit run.

Keep in mind that the example only compares to the data from the previous run. If you run it a second time on the same Input, the error is gone.






5 - Atom

Thanks for your response. Is there any simpler method where we don't need to use this new Macro tool? 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@harrynguyen2000 , it is possible to avoid the Macros by recreating parts of them, see example attached. Please make sure this works as expected for you.
