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Chained Server app, how to output data to temp and input data from temp

10 - Fireball



First part of chained app, I want to write to temp folder.


I use output data like this -



but how to import this to my 2nd page of my chained app?


is it as simple as input data ?



all users who access this on the server will have to be able to do this.

14 - Magnetar

assuming your chained app is saved in the same location as the initial app (not s sub-folder), you don't have to specify file paths. So our output would just be ".\filename1.yxdb" and you chained app would be configured to also read ".\filename1.yxdb".  it's also explained in the link below.

10 - Fireball

@jrgo  even if Im exporting headers to another chained app? w here  should these headers file reside?

14 - Magnetar

Hi @wonka1234 

Sorry, not sure if I'm following... can you describe what type of output file the first app is generating and how it's intended to be used in the next app? If you're able to share screenshot or (preferably) desensitized copies of the apps, that would really help to fill in some of the gaps.

9 - Comet

@wonka1234 I stumble across this, it might help from App Building Guidelines (

Do not use %temp% to write to the temp directory when you build workflows or apps to be saved to Server. Keep all file paths within the workflow. If you develop a chained app, use only the file name rather than any file path, for example, .\fileOutput.yxdb and not %temp%\fileOutput.yxdb or something similar. Select a file by browsing to it and then change the file dependency path to a relative path via the Workflow Dependencies window.

In previous chained apps that I've build, App1 writes a temp file : tempfile.yxdb (no path) App 2 in the chain input data tools or interface calls  tempfile.yxdb  (no path). 


