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Can't sort output with Basic Table tool

8 - Asteroid

I am using a Basic Table tool to output the results of my workflow (so I can add formatting).

The records going into the tool are sorted correctly, but coming out the tool resorts alphabetically on one of the fields. I reorder that field in the layout and it still is the one it sorts on.

There doesn't appear to be any sort option inside the Basic Table tool.

Any ideas out there?


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @asteryx 


Are you grouping by some field in your Table Tool?


Group by clause always sorts the fields.


8 - Asteroid

Dang - Thanks for that. The Grouping was there by default so I just left it. (It's my first time using this tool.)

5 - Atom

I have to Group by because I’m using basic table + render to output data from different sources into a single excel spreadsheet in different tabs.  Each group by/data source has different columns.  Is there a way to retain column header order in this case?

