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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Barcode Tool - is it possible to use this to track attendance?

8 - Asteroid

Hi everyone,


Our company just started using Intelligence Suite and we're interested in the potential use of the Barcode Tool to track attendance.


I'm curious if it's possible to generate barcodes/QR codes with names/emails attached and send those out to each person that registered to attend a meeting. When they arrive they can present the code to be scanned and the hope is that it will record the information in the barcode along with what time they scanned it. That info can go to Excel or Google Forms or whatever will work. We could potentially build a database in Access if necessary.


Is that a possibility with this tool?

Alteryx Product Evangelist
Alteryx Product Evangelist

Yeah! This is a great idea and doable. You would use Alteryx to build the QR codes and then once they are scanned get the dataset with the scans. There is quite a bit of info on how to do this on the community including a workflow in the gallery.


Hope this helps. 


Joshua Burkhow | Chief Evangelist @ Alteryx | Follow me on LinkedIn and Twitter
Alteryx Product Evangelist
Alteryx Product Evangelist

There is a workflow here that might give you some ideas:

Joshua Burkhow | Chief Evangelist @ Alteryx | Follow me on LinkedIn and Twitter
15 - Aurora

Great Idea!

8 - Asteroid

@JoshuaB Awesome. Thanks for letting me know. I'll play around with it a bit more then.
