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Automatic data stamp on an output file

7 - Meteor

Hi there i want to create an output file where just the name of the file has the date it was created on in it.


example if my file was called alteryx and i created it today , i would like it to be called 



11 - Bolide

Use the "Take File/Table Name From Field" configuration on the Output Data tool:



First you'll need to create a field to use as the suffix.  See attached example.

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus



I'll add to @Garrett's fine suggestion with the use of a different function:




This function uses the static time that the workflow began processing.  I like it because of the exact same time being applied to all records.  You will however need to remove the time as Left(DateTimeStart(),10).  To create your output name, garret suggested Appending the timestamp and omitting the field from output.  If you want to make sure that the DateTimeToday() is consistent to all records, you might want to use AppendFields to get the single value applied to all records.


Either way this solution appears to work when you have a static base name for the output (alteryx-) and you want alteryx-20170525 as the name (note the different format of the date).



That formula gets you the date in non-US format.


If you are outputting the data to Excel, you should consider using a prefix rather than a suffix.  Excel is a different animal and the suffix will cause you to rename your sheets.




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7 - Meteor

Thanks Guys 
