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Attaching Layout/Visual Layout outputs as the Body to Gmail macro

11 - Bolide

Hey Again,

Kind of a 1 off case, but I'm sure the use exists. I'm creating custom reports per client and want to email those reports as part of the workflow.
I am using the GoogleOauth2 and Gmail macros to do so (we use gmail obviously haha).


When I select the "Layout" as the message field, all that ever sends is the actual text to build the report:



Is there anything I'm missing to get that to render?Call something different maybe? Toss
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)



The issue is linked with the Interactive chart tool - we have it logged as a defect and are working on a fix. I don't have a timeline I can share atm I'm afraid.

6 - Meteoroid

I have a similar problem; to bypass an issue with sending emails via secure SMTP, which we cannot do via our Citrix server estate but we can do from our Alteryx server, I've built a simple macro for my users to use to put email requests into a yxdb, with the Body stored as a 20mb V_WString field.


However when my 'sending' workflow extracts the data from the yxdb as a field into its Email Tool, whereas for Body values that are sourced from Table reporting work fine, when I feed a Layout into the request I just get HTML markup deveivered into my email content, starting with


<srcreport version="1.0" style="page-break-after:always;"


Do you think this is a similar issue to the one @JordyMicheal reported?



