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App showing a message no output files - app workflow along with block until done tool

5 - Atom

Hi, I'm unable to write the output to multiple worksheets of the same excel file. I've used an analytical app to filter the data by year and I'm also using the block until done tool so that only one workflow is getting executed at a time. Can't seem to understand why the output isn't being displayed.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Do you mind exporting your workflow or providing screenshots?



Also, if you're using Analytic Apps, please make sure to set the Interface Designer confiugrations to allow for output / browse.


Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

hi @Rd3000 


One possibility is that Block Unitl Done is ignored because of AMP engine. If AMP engine is enabled in workflow with Block Until Done, Engine would process data as if it ignores the order specified in Block Until Done(I'm not sure the reason of this, and not sure this is the case to the others, but it is true in my computer with version 2022.3).


Are you using the recent version of Designer(2022.X or 2023.1)? If so, try to turn off AMP engine since AMP engine is enabled by default. Then, check out its behavior.


