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Analyzing data from a Databricks Delta Lake

5 - Atom

Hello everybody,


My organization uses a delta lakehouse and were wondering:

- Can Alteryx easily read and write delta files? 

- Does Alteryx support incremental merging on delta files?

- Are there any considerations from the Alteryx side that we should be aware?


I have been googling and searching for articles on how people use delta files in Alteryx, but I haven't seen anything. So if you have read anything, please let me know.

16 - Nebula

Regarding your first question, Alteryx supports reading and writing Delta Lake tables through its "Delta Lake Connector" tool. This tool is available in the Alteryx Gallery and can be easily added to your workflow.

As for your second question, Delta Lake supports incremental merging, which allows for efficient updates to data. However, I'm not sure about Alteryx's specific support for this feature. It would be best to check with the Alteryx community or support team for more information on this.

In terms of considerations, one thing to keep in mind is that Delta Lake is a columnar storage format, which means that data is stored in columns rather than rows. This can affect query performance, so you may want to optimize your Alteryx workflows accordingly. Additionally, Delta Lake supports ACID transactions, which can also impact performance and require careful consideration when designing your workflows.

I hope this helps!
