Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Alteryx and connecting to API

8 - Asteroid



Pretty new to Alteryx.

I have worked with API's in Alteryx, and I was wondering if you can work with live API.

So, if I have an API that for example is tracking the energy consumption of a building in 5-minute intervals for an entire day, how can I grab the data from the API parse it in Alteryx, and then have that displayed in a Tableau dashboard? As a result, whenever the API data gets updated the dashboard also gets updated.


Any help would be great, than you.  

19 - Altair

You can use the Download tool to parse APIs in Alteryx and can then push that to Tableau. Depending upon how complicated the API is and how you authenticate (and your skills at building payloads and the like) this can range from simple to moderately complex. Alteryx runs when manually run on your desktop - so it will not check for API updates every 5 minutes. You can schedule it (if you have Alteryx server) but will be reliant upon having a worker node to execute the API call every 5 minutes...
