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Alteryx Support needed

7 - Meteor

I have an alteryx requirement. i am stuck at a point now


i have summarised the values now and i need a subtotal by employee name against each employee. Also there are two conditions - Busy season (1/13/2025 to 3/10/2025) - any hours above 55 in subtotals get highlighted

Non - busy season - any hours above 40 in subtotals get highlighted


Finally we need to delete the rows that are not contributing to these subtotal of respective employees and make sure only the contributing hours rows are in the summary ( employee wise)


Appreciate your help at the earliest


Thank you

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

It will be much better if you can provide a sample input and expected output?

7 - Meteor

sample input


Emp Resource  NameEmp Resource  GPNRank OrderEmp RankEmp GradeEmp Office3/25/20244/1/20244/8/20244/15/20244/22/20244/29/20245/6/20245/13/20245/20/2024
abcabc00144StaffStaff 3abc008.583333000000
abcabc00144StaffStaff 3abc4000000000
abcabc00144StaffStaff 3abc000000000
abcabc00144StaffStaff 3abc000000000
abcabc00144StaffStaff 3abc000000000
abcabc00144StaffStaff 3abc000000008
abcabc00144StaffStaff 3abc000000080
abcabc00144StaffStaff 3abc000000000
abcabc00144StaffStaff 3abc0023.4404040404032
7 - Meteor

Expected output


Emp Resource  NameEmp Resource  GPNRank OrderEmp RankEmp GradeEmp OfficeSum_3/25/2024Sum_4/1/2024Sum_4/8/2024Sum_4/15/2024Sum_4/22/2024Sum_4/29/2024Sum_5/6/2024
abcabc00144StaffStaff 3abc008.5833330000
abcabc00144StaffStaff 3abc40000000
abcabc00144StaffStaff 3abc0000000
abcabc00144StaffStaff 3abc0000000
abcabc00144StaffStaff 3abc0000000
abcabc00144StaffStaff 3abc0000000
abcabc00144StaffStaff 3abc0000000
abcabc00144StaffStaff 3abc0000000
abcabc00144StaffStaff 3abc0023.440404040
abc subtotal    40031.9833340404040
7 - Meteor

Last output


Now delete the rows employee wise that are not contributing to the hours of the employee and retain only the rows that actually contribute


consider these two


Busy season ((1/13/2025 to 3/10/2025) - any hours above 55 in subtotals get highlighted

Non busy season - any hours above 40 in subtotals get highlighted

11 - Bolide

@surajseshan  - See attached workflow.  


Screenshot below is table produced with highlighting total row based on date and total conditions. I specified random dates/hours based on provided sample, in order to test it's working as expected - which it is.




Review Table tool conditions (update as you need based on dates and hours). Select on 'Dynamic or Unknown Fields' and select Edit next to Column Rules. Note there are two separate rules. Review the Formula to see the condition entered.


Keep in mind, it's a bit finnicky to test these rules on dynamic/unknown fields. If you make changes to the rule, I'd advise to update the regex replace in both Dynamic Renames to a random character, run workflow (this will clear the rules on the fields), update rule, then update back to original Dynamic Rename configuration provided, then re-run workflow to ensure your condition is working as expected. 



Hope this helps!

7 - Meteor

Basically i have worked out a summary. From the summary this needs to run .


Can you go a bit step by step so that i can include this to the actual input data

7 - Meteor

Thank you 

11 - Bolide

I would recommend running the workflow I attached in the other comment and understand how the data is transformed (that’s the beauty of Alteryx!). You should be able to determine where your summary start would be and adjust the workflow from there. Good luck!
