Is there's a way for Alteryx to access a site and request a ticket for me as the output? Below is the scenario.
1. Go to MySite
2. Click on "MyTickets"
3. Then it proceed to MyTikets page - Click "Create a New Ticket"
4. Selecting the following from radio buttons
1. Who is this for? (me or colleague)
2. Location? (office, home or travelling)
3. Preferred Contact method (email, teams)
4. What is your issue related to? (business application, technology support)
if a select business application -- a drop down list appear and will select "SAS"
5. Description Issue - will manually type a comment here
5. Then click continue
6. then a ticket number will be provided.. need this number to send for email.
Is this possible?
Anyone please.
For GUI actions (open webpage, click button, populate field, etc), you'll likely need a tool like UIPath.
Alteryx has a Download tool, but it doesn't provide the functionality you mentioned.
Thank you @ChrisTX for your response.