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Unable to join on null values

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Hi Maveryx community,


I was just working on Cloud Quest #7 and I noticed some unexpected behavior when I was trying to debug my workflow. I initially made a mistake in my logic so I was attempting to compare my answer to the provided solution to pinpoint why my answer was different. When joining my answer to the provided solution, I noticed that null values on both sides of the join would not match:


Left join (my solution):

Null join #1.png 


Right join (Alteryx solution file):

Null join #2.png


Both sides have the same number of unmatched records. I tried replacing the null values on both side with a 0 and then everything joined together. Is this expected behavior or would this be considered a bug. My solution to #7 is attached.


Hello @phottovy,


This is because the join tool is likely configured to match on multiple criteria, if you are looking to match only by Character Name then you should be able to get the desired outcome. Example

