Alteryx Connect Discussions

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Installation Setttings

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hi everyone !


I'm preparing my first Connect Installation, reading documentation, and I went through those lines that I don't fully understand.


Instance Settings – Specify the base URL to access the site. This may be the machine name or a DNS name. As a best practice, don’t use “localhost” as your base URL, as this may cause issues resolving links from Nexus graph


For this one I understand that the goal is t create the URL that the users will use to access Alteryx Connect and that to build it, it's better to use the machine name. or a DNS name. But where do you get those informations ? Also, will the resulting URL be something like https://<DNS name>:<port> ?


SMTP Settings – Set the SMTP Server name, protocol (SSL/TLS), default email to send mail as, and credentials to the SMTP server if required


About the SMTP part, is the goal to create an SMTP server for the Connect instance or to link the Connect instance to an existing SMTP server ?


Thank you for your answers !






Hi @Jean-Balteryx ,

welcome to Alteryx Connect 😉😉


re Base URL: once you will install Connect on a instance on default port 80, base URL should be fully qulified name of the instance e.g. (of course this fully qualified name should be in your company DNS record).

In case you don't have DNS record (or waiting for assigning one), you can put there also IP address e.g. http://yourIPaddress/.


re SMTP settings - this should point to your existing mail server, so Connect can send notifications, shares, password resets etc.


Hope this helped,


Connect Team

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hi @OndrejC ,


Thank you for your explanations, that is clear !





8 - Asteroid

Hi @OndrejC ,

I completed a new installation of Connect 2020 version.

I selected to SSL option during installation.

I worked with my IT team to get a new Base URL

I configured the URL in Base URL setting and could access Connect using https://localhost/ url on the server.


When I tried the base url from a user laptop, the page would not load.

What could be the issue?


I updated the properties of the certificate based on the instructions provided here, but no luck.

Do you if there is a separate appid for Connect?


Thank you.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team



It looks like @kamanivk 's issue got resolved on another post so for anyone looking for the solution, check this link!

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