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Alteryx Analytics Cloud Product Ideas

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When I'm on the Flow workspace, if I do a click on a recipe, the steps displays on the float right box.

Unfortunately, i'can't select and copy steps :-/

I'm forced to load the recipe to copy steps before past it in another recipe. I think that everyone would gain some time to copy steps directly from the Flow view !


PS : Sorry for my bad English, I'm a French user.

Why I must open all the recipes to reload each sample ?

For exemple :

I make flows with many recipes (between 60 and 100 - It's a real case for me).

On monday, I make a lot of modifications on "data cleaning" at the start of the data wrangling chain !

On tuesday, when i try to open others recipes, I've a warning message "your sample need to be updated" !!!

=> If I had a buttun "update all sample of the flow", I would run it on Monday before sleeping and Tuesday, i could work with smile !

PS : Sorry for my bad English, I'm a French user :-)

When you select a column for apply function or transformation, the methods to select columns are :

  • Multiple
  • All
  • Range
  • Advanced

But this is not possible to select column with a "RegEx math" method on the name of the columns.

It would be much easier!

Current NIST/NSA standard is SHA-2.

As a data wrangler, I would like to be able to hash a column's data using the SHA-256 hashing algorithm.

There is no explicit sharing functionality for user macros between users or groups of users. Currently, the closest thing is users gain access to an owner’s macros within a flow once the flow is shared with them. It would be good to be able to share macros in the same way that users can share flows.

Users have asked for the ability to create new versions of recipes so that they can collaborate safely. Also there is a need to keep an audit history of changes. Trifacta has recipe level history but that does not fulfil the whole use case of version control. 

Read data from Google Drive.
Support for reading XML files natively with Trifacta.