
Community news, customer stories, and more!

What kind of ball doesn’t bounce? A snowball!


In this year-end edition of Top Contributors, we’ll be highlighting the top 5 contributors in each category we measured this year! Don’t worry December Top Contributors, you are still being recognized as the true Maveryx you are.


This year-end is all about winter activities! Even though December is over, winter is still upon us, and we want to take this chance to liken our Top Contributors to our favorite winter activities!


Problem solvers – Most solutions




Source: Unsplash


It takes a true visionary to look at a pile of snow and create something as fun and creative as a snowman. Our problem solvers for December and the year 2023 look at the Community as their blank snow canvas for them to create and build with. While some questions may stump and confuse others, our problem solvers have a set vision and build something out of seemingly nothing to help others out.


Top 5 users of 2023

@binuacs  – 656 solutions

@ShankerV – 469 solutions

@Felipe_Ribeir0  – 226 solutions

@DataNath - 219 solutions

@caltang - 205 solutions


Top 3 users of December

@CoG - 52 solutions

@alexnajm - 27 solutions

@binuacs - 24 solutions


Conversation Starter – Threads Started



Source: Unsplash


Get it, threads started? …Anyway, who said all winter activities need to take place outdoors? Taking refuge indoors while the elements rage outside is the definition of cozy. Our conversation starters may not all be master knitters, but they sure do love to jump right into new things and projects that interest them. Every knitter I know loves to challenge themselves by taking on hard projects, much like how our conversation starters like to ask the hard questions.  


Top 5 users of 2023

@wonka1234 – 175 threads

@caltang  – 136 threads

@BRRLL99  – 67 threads

@ShantanuDagar & @Deano478 - 54 threads


Top 3 users of December

@kelsey_kincaid - 13 threads

@smugabart - 12 threads

@gawa - 11 threads


Prolific Posters – Most Replies




 Source: Unsplash


Whenever anyone brings up winter sports, skiing is the one I hear brought up the most. Much like Skiers’ will take any opportunity they get to head to the mountains, these users listed will jump at the opportunity to engage with others in the comments of any post. Whether it’s to make connections or answer questions, I bet most skiers are jealous of the amount these users contribute to their Community.


Top 5 users of 2023

@binuacs  – 2,319 replies (!!!)

@caltang  – 1,812 replies

@ShankerV - 1,504 replies

@alexnajm - 978 replies

@gawa - 907 replies


Top 3 users of December

@CoG - 155 replies

@alexnajm - 127 replies

@Qiu - 116 replies


Peer reviewed – Most likes received




 Source: Unsplash


Everyone knows that shoveling the driveway is the most fun anyone can have in the winter...


Just kidding!



 Source: Unsplash


Sledding is something that the young and old can appreciate. The feeling of the cold wind on your face and the speed as you glide over the snow is a special moment for us all. Our users with the most likes strive to bring this kind of happiness to those they interact with in the Maveryx Community.


Top 5 users of 2023

@binuacs  – 1,287 likes

@simonaubert_bd  – 1,112 likes

@caltang - 858 likes

@Qiu - 722 likes

@AkimasaKajitani - 662 likes


Top 3 users of December

@CoG - 107 likes

@Qiu - 92 likes

@simonaubert_bd - 76 likes



Thank you to all of our Maveryx users who made this year truly unforgettable! As we wrap up the last Top Contributor blog for the months of 2023, we hope to continue the trend of positive and meaningful Community connections people are making, and we hope you all look forward to another great year!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Truly an honour to be in the Top 5 for the Year!! Maveryx rocks!! 

@AlteryxMatt do we get a special badge like previous years? 

16 - Nebula

Awesome. like @caltang , i'm looking forward for the badge 😅

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Happy to be a top contributor to this Community! I would also appreciate a badge if available 😊


Hey Top Contributors! - Badges will be rolled out next week so keep an eye out for them! 👀


Thanks to all our top contributors! You are what makes the Alteryx Community so EPIC! 

17 - Castor

Thanks for the roundup, Matt! Always enjoy contributing to the community and looking forward to the year ahead!

9 - Comet
9 - Comet

extremely honoured to be recognized as one of the top contributors. great looking badge!