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Just saying Hello for the 1st time.

5 - Atom

Hi dear Alteryx Community,

I am brand new to the Community and to the Alteryx concept.

I am Portuguese, living in Belgium and working in Luxembourg, therefore my nationality is European if someone asks!

I am starting a new career as Licence Junior Officer at a Financial Consulting Company in Luxembourg and part of its tasks is to implement Alteryx, therefore I am here to squeeze the knowledge from this Community as much as possible.

Bare with me!!


I have also signed up for an Alteryx Online Crash Course at Udemy.com and I am trying to know how can I sign up for a Free student Licence so that I can follow it at home! Any thoughts?




16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Welcome @Biltes !  Have you checked out the SparkED Education Program page?

5 - Atom

I did and I am now an happy Alteryx student! 😁

Thank you.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Great to hear!!  I highly recommend taking some of the free Learning Paths !

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @Biltes, great to have you among us and welcome to the Alteryx Community! 

12 - Quasar

@Biltes  Welcome to the community !
