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SUBMIT YOUR IDEAA solution to last week's challenge can be found here!
In case you missed it, the Oscars awards ceremony was held last night. Also, in case you missed it, we made it easy to get caught up on the nominees and the winners of each award category!
Using the provided dataset and look-up table to create an app to allow an end-user to select an award category. Render the result as .pcxml to reveal the winner of that category!
SPOILER ALERT: This challenge contains spoilers...if you want to read up on the award ceremony, it would behoove you to to do so before completing this challenge!
Fun Fact: Oscars weigh 8.5 lb and stand 13.5 inches tall!
@ChristineB I think some of the text for A star is born was cut off in the text input tool. Apparently it was nominated for too many awards!
@patrick_digan Great catch! Should be fixed now.
This was fun and I think a follow up challenge could be around some survey data gauging how audiences reacted to having no host this year.
I still think the issue @patrick_digan brought up still exists in the file saved. I created some formulas to make sure and include it.
Here's my solution. Struggled with getting the drop down filter to work, so ended up using the "connections from questions" option which works fine when it's an app but when testing you can't see what flows downstream. Plus is there a way to render the output in the interface designer?
Here's my solution. I also included a bit more to make sure that whichever Award Category is selected, the output will be displayed semantically correct. See screen shots.
Edit: I'm having difficulty uploaded my solution file - receiving this error: The contents of the attachment doesn't match its file type
@karp I know we've seen some issues with uploading .yxwz files in the past. Try uploading your workflow as a .yxzp file and see if that helps!