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SUBMIT YOUR IDEAMy Solution.. fairly simple and straight forward, but it works for both challenges
Working my way backwards from Santalytics, and my solution might also seem backwards, but here it is
Happy Holidays
Wow, that was a lot of fun!
My solution:
GREAT exercise for Interative Macros!
I went down the thought process (as some other users did) of making 50 pairs, but in the end I solved both ways.
For my solution, I created all the possible permutations, filtered for scroogieness and self-selection, and fed the result into an iterative macro. My first attempt ran about 20,000 times without satisfying the scroogieness clause, so I ended up sorting by scrooginess and matching the scroogiest people first. Not truly random, but close enough for a Secret Santa!
Thanks @Carlithian for an awesome challenge!