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SUBMIT YOUR IDEAUnexpected benefit of jury duty is having the time to catch up on challenges. My first go at both a hard and easy solution are very similar. So I decided to try another approach. Dynamic Replace, I'm beginning to understand you......
Also, I love RegEx
The Arrange tool needs some love, a powerful data transformation tool, but this week's challenge does take advantage of all its capabilities.
If EndsWith([Salary], Substring([Name],7,1)) AND ToNumber([Salary],1,1)<[Value] THEN [Rate] ELSE Null() ENDIFThis takes advantage of how the ToNumber() function works, it will convert all numbers prior to the first non-numeric character. We can suppress the conversion warning with the additional arguments.
An easy way version for now.
I opted out of the hard way, but maybe I'll come back to it when I have some more time on my hands!
Easy way for now :)
I went easy on this one as struggling for time. I could have removed a tool or two but just had to do this quick!