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Twin Cities, MN

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TCAUG MeetUp | November 2018

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

TCAUG @ Cargill 

November 16th, 2018 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm


Going to mix it up a bit, and have this meeting on a Friday, at 1pm!

We’ll be hearing from Mark Frisch (@MarqueeCrew) and Todd Godes of JLL about something they created after meeting at a previous TCAUG event: a connector that leverages a location API to determine distance and drive time. Sound familiar?

Then, bring your credentials to create your very own freemium version with Tessa Enns (@tessaenns) of Cargill! Sign up for the API beforehand, here:

Also, think the Distance and Find Nearest tools take too long? Let’s use the haversine formula (all in Alteryx!) to create a tool that combines those tools’ functions, and speed it way up.

Thanks Cargill for (once again) hosting the November TCAUG!


- Welcome & quick note about December's MeetUp (Nick)

- Todd Godes | JLL

Talks about their lat/lon problem, and their solution


- Tessa Enns | Cargill
Finding the lat/lon from only a full or partial address


- Mark Frisch | Marquee Crew
Haversine formula in Alteryx: let’s look at it!


- Happy hour (snacks & drinks)

Interested in presenting? Email to find out how you can get involved!

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Great MeetUp everyone! Thanks so much for joining.


You can grab the macro we built by joining the group and looking at the recap, here:


Big shoutout to @MarqueeCrew,  @tessaenns and Todd Godes from JLL for presenting! Can't wait til December's MeetUp, and planning for next year!!!


recap photo.JPG
