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Inspire Europe 2018 | Buzz

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Contest - On The Road To Inspire London

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

The Long and Winding Road (to Inspire) Continues!


We are thrilled to announce to the Alter.Nation that Road To Inspire will continue on to Inspire 2018 Europe in London on October 8-10th!


What does that mean for the Alter.Nation? More chances to win BIG!!!!!Gift Card Asset.png



Join the Alter.Nation and continue to share how Alteryx alters your life and work! Submit your life-altering analytics story for a chance to win your spot on the Road to Inspire video series, a free pass to the Inspire 2018 Europe conference where you will be featured on the main stage, and other fabulous prizes.



Participating is easy! All you have to do is address the following in your submission:

  1. How does Alteryx allow you to kick ass at work? 
  2. Show us what YOU do to fulfill your passions outside of work.  


Pro-tip: Increase your chances to win! Surprise & Delight our sights, sounds, and emotions! See Past Entries here

How to submit:


You can either reply here on the Inspire Buzz - OR - Use the hashtag #AlterNation & #Alteryxeu18 on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook to submit your entry. Make sure to mention @Alteryx.


In order to qualify you must include either a video OR photo(s) along with a written response.


The contest will run from July17th until August 31st, 2018. 


  • road-to-inspire-badge.pngA special badge for everyone who puts themselves out there by entering the contest. 
  • Grand Prize winners will be featured in an upcoming episode of Road to Inspire and receive a complimentary pass to Inspire London 2018 (will select up to 5 winners)
  • Top three grand prize winners get a little something extra 😉

Entries will be judged by a qualified panel of Alteryx judges who will evaluate each entry based on the following criteria:

  • 50% creativity
  • 50% votes, likes or stars from your peers via Community and Social channels 


Check out the official rules here.


Join the AlterNation and alter your life!


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

I can proudly and honestly say that Alteryx allows me to kick ass at work and outside of work by providing and nurturing the best kind of community. I'm surrounded by brilliant colleagues across the globe, and have the opportunity to work with the most brilliant and passionate customers on a daily basis (yes I'm talking about you, ACEs and UG Leaders!). Not only am I equipped with the tools to succeed, I have freedom to dream up and design my visions and turn them into tangible realities. I still remember @dstoecker telling us in Bootcamp that no other job would be this demanding or rewarding, and he was 110% right. 


Outside of work, I volunteer with Coastal German Shepherd Rescue in Santa Ana, CA. This non-profit organization shares the same kind of obsessive passion as Alteryx. The volunteers work tirelessly to rescue and prep the dogs for adoption. They will drive hours to pick up a dog (or dogs) in need, and spend their Saturdays at adoption events to potentially place dogs in homes. I've been working with 1 dog in particular for the last 4 months, and it has been nothing short of magical. See Milo run(command) below, and hope you enjoy our Road to Inspire!


Tuvy Le
Manager, Community ACE Program
9 - Comet

I could not resist making another Road to Inspire Video. My passion for Alteryx is just as strong as ever! In addition to learning new skills, I get to meet knew people who share a similar passion for their work and for their life. Cannot wait for October!!

9 - Comet

I could not resist making another Road to Inspire video, I feel just as passionate as ever about learning new skills with Alteryx daily plus meeting new people who share similar passions of learning, life, and data analytics.


Hope you enjoy and I cannot wait for London!! -Tessa Enns


@MarqueeCrew @NicoleJohnson @Nezrin @scolaco @DeepuPaul @Anviksha0110

9 - Comet

I could not resist making another Road to Inspire Video. I am just as passionate, if not more, today, than I was in June 2018 for the Anaheim conference. It is always a thrill learning new skills, growing in data analytics, but also meeting new people in the community who share a similar passion for work, life, and solving problems.


I cannot wait for London, hope you enjoy!

-Tessa Enns



20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

Another victorious video for @tessaenns. No more tears from me. 


Cheers 🍻 

Alteryx ACE & Top Community Contributor

Chaos reigns within. Repent, reflect and restart. Order shall return.
Please Subscribe to my youTube channel.
7 - Meteor
Love the video Tessa!! It's hilarious :)
12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

@TuvyL Great Entry! Loved the video.


@tessaenns theme is nicely coming up! Thanks for making us part of your journey!

Yugandhar Muley (Yug)

Alteryx ACE | Alteryx For Good India Lead | Bengaluru Alteryx User Group Lead
11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

Great video and edits @tessaenns - Came out so well!! Thanks for making us a part of this :) 


Alteryx ACE | Sydney Alteryx User Group Lead | Sydney SparkED Contributor
11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

Love your Road to Inspire, @TuvyL and Milo looks so adorable :)

That did seem like a bad fall at the end, hope you are alright!

Alteryx ACE | Sydney Alteryx User Group Lead | Sydney SparkED Contributor
9 - Comet

Thank you @Nezrin! :) :) So happy you were apart of it!!