Alteryx Grand Prix finalists are set!
The Alteryx Grand Prix is a data analytics “racing” competition, where contestants (drivers) armed with Alteryx Designer and wit, must solve a series of typical data analytics challenges faster than their competitors.
Many people competed but only 3 can advance to the finals. Here are the three individuals who will be participating in the Grand Prix finals in London, as well as their company and affiliated Alteryx User Group:
- Marco Bosman (@Marco), Infotopics, Amsterdam User Group
- Jeroen Spoor (@Jeroen_Spoor), Victa, Amsterdam User Group
- Ben Moss (@BenMoss), Information Lab, Midlands User Group
If you want to learn more about the Inspire Europe Grand Prix, make sure to check out the upcoming Alteryx Hangout on September 5th at 4pm BST.
Alteryx | Hangout: Inspire Europe 2017 Grand Prix
Join Stuart Wilson, VP of EMEA and official Inspire Europe M.C., to find out what you can expect at this year’s conference! He’ll be joined by the 2017 European Grand Prix finalists, 2016 EMEA champion James Dunkerley (@jdunkerley79), and Cailin Swingle (@CailinS), Manager of Customer Support & GP organizer who will take you behind the scenes of the European Grand Prix, and walk through the challenges finalists faced. Learn more here.
Agenda Updates
There have been several updates to the Inspire Europe 2017 Agenda to give you a better overview of the different tracks and sessions available over the course of 2 days. Be sure to check it out, and come back to let us know what you're most looking forward to attending!

Ready to enroll in a session?
Use the Inspire Europe 2017 Agenda Builder to build your own program. This session scheduler gives you the opportunity to easily build your conference agenda and meet your data analytics goals. Please note: You must be a registered attendee to access and use the Scheduler.
To access the agenda builder you must first login and validate your information through the Registration Portal. From the next page, navigate to the “Select Agenda” tab to get started.
Guest Keynote Speaker Announced
Last month, we announced Timandra Harkness, data expert, science writer, broadcaster, and comedian, as our guest keynote for Inspire Europe 2017.
Away from the microphone, Timandra writes for some of the most prestigious publications including The Telegraph, The Guardian, The Sunday Times, Evening Standard, WIRED, Men’s Health and Significance (the journal of the Royal Statistical Society).
We are extremely excited to have Timandra share her experience and expertise with all of us on the 13th of September in London! Read the announcement.
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