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Inspire 2020 APAC: Using Alteryx to Automate Workday Data Migration

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Presented on Wed, Feb 26th, 2020.


In this session we will present some of the key Alteryx workflows that we developed to support the Workday and payroll implementation at the Salvos. We will deep dive into the following Alteryx workflows:
• Generating Workday workbooks
• Workday configuration and Business process validations across system environments
• Setting up Workday integration with 3rd party
• Perform Workday data validation
• Perform post go live data audit


Sambit Das
Data and Test Lead
Salvation Army


Ganesh Ravishankar @Ganeshguha 
Data & Test Analyst
Salvation Army

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

Interesting! thanks for sharing as I missed this at APAC 😞

Alteryx ACE | Sydney Alteryx User Group Lead | SparkED Contributor and Mentor