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Yes, Finally I Pass the Alteryx Designer Core Exam

6 - Meteoroid

Yes, I finally pass the Alteryx Designer Core Exam. It took me 2 weeks long to study and prepare for the Alteryx Designer Core Exam. Even though it's open book and open note, I failed the first time.  But during the study process, I've learned a lot of helpful resources on the community, and I also received a lot of help by posting questions about the functions of Alteryx. I love Alteryx community, and I will do more self-training to improve my skills and knowledge and help out others in this community.  



9 - Comet

Hi, again, StellaBon:


Thanks!! I'll look a bit more, however, if I still cannot locate the interactive test, then it is really not a big deal. I got all of the static ones correct, which I am sure is a good thing, even though there were only five questions on the '.pdf' file.


Good luck to you, too!



9 - Comet

Hi @StellaBon,


I took the exam today and again did not pass - the score being 65.5%. On my previous attempts, my scores were 59.3%, 51.7% and 63.2%. I definitely followed through with working fast on the 1-point questions; I did these with speed and accuracy, of course.


When trying to reserve ample time for the Excel/Alteryx analysis, I was able to make the time to do some and get answers that seemed right. Though, because three or four came near the end of my exam, with 7 minutes to go before time was up, I unfortunately found myself having to guess just to somehow be able to do as many as possible before time elapsed. (Lastly, I did not finish the exam; I could not do four of the eighty questions.)


Here is one question that I would need your recommendation on for my next attempt, which I will probably do in a week (which is the earliest I will be allowed) or two weeks: For questions that deal with "Unique" tools, how would you suggest is the quickest way to handle these, and still get the right answer? (I will make sure that I also ask this question to the Community, so as to not bother you too much.)


Thanks and have a nice weekend!


Very best,


11 - Bolide

@davechndr Ok so you are improving! Take two weeks and just do workflows, I think if you do one every day your speed will come naturally. 

First of all do all the test ones. Not to memorize the answers but to understand the processes. 

Once you can do those at speed, try some Weekly challenges.

For Challenges with Formulas try #’s:


For Challenges with Joins/Unions/ Find & Replace, try #’s: 

29, 222.

For Transpose, Crosstab, Summarize practice, try #’s:

49, 102,128, 178, 224. 

For basic data prep, try #’s 16,25, and 164.


Unique doesn’t come up a lot but is handy once in a while. For the test, remember that if a row comes out once in U and 3 times in D then there are 4 instances of that row, not one or 3. 

Happy studying! Go, go, go!




9 - Comet

Hi @StellaBon,


Thanks for your confidence and great tips. You are correct in saying that practicing the workflows which came in my test, as well as the ones in the weekly challenges should assist me in the three-pointers. Is it true, though, that each time one re-takes the test (whether each week, or less often) that the questions are randomized? (What I mean by randomized, is that the questions are kind of "draw out of a hat"/scattered in a way as to possibly get some different questions on each subsequent trial of the same exam.)


Definitely, I will need a bit of time to re-prepare and then I will try again.


Take care,


@ dchandra

11 - Bolide

@davechndr Yes, they are taken from a pool of questions but you may get repeats, I got two repeats on my second attempt!

I re-did the workflows rather than rely on the previous test answers because I was not sure if the numbers in the data were changed. But since I practiced the process, I was able to move through those workflows easily.


Another thing you can do is use those test workflows but try to find an answer to your own questions. For example if the test question says find the highest sale between 2010 and 2015, you could do that but also find the average sales per year for 2012 through 2016. Or the year with the highest sales per customer. 



9 - Comet

@StellaBon Great tips! Thanks so much - I will try the test again early next week (no set date), but, only when I feel ready. As you right stated, it is no point rushing into taking the exam if one is not ready to do so.


Enjoy the rest of your weekend and stay safe!



6 - Meteoroid

thank you for the tips! i failed it at my first attempt too. i wonder if the core exam questions are the same each time you take it. 

8 - Asteroid

Congratulations !!

Good Luck ahead.

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