When we released the new formula tool in 11.0, everyone was wondering when the filter tool was going to have the new expression editor, which got me thinking…
There are many tools that use the expression editor, some in the default configuration and some in a dialogue box.
If it were up to you, what three tools would you refresh with the new expression editor?
We’d love to hear your thoughts! Feel free to include as much or as little information as you like.
All of them?
How can we just pick three, Here are all those that i have recently used:
Filter, Multi-Field & Multi Row, Dynamic Rename, Dynamic Replace, Message, Test.
(i am sure there are likely others using formulas that i couldn't remember)
On quick review they are all using the same formula interface. Since you don't seem to have changed the functionality i can't see why you didn't replace this in all places where it is used. Surely each tool does not have the same interface separately coded to look the same?
Or am i missing something?
So many of you listed Filter as your top choice for getting a new expression editor. Good news! A new Filter tool with a new expression editor and enhanced basic filter functionality (date and datetime) is available in the newest version of Designer released on March 6, 2018. Check it out on our Downloads page.