When we released the new formula tool in 11.0, everyone was wondering when the filter tool was going to have the new expression editor, which got me thinking…
There are many tools that use the expression editor, some in the default configuration and some in a dialogue box.
If it were up to you, what three tools would you refresh with the new expression editor?
We’d love to hear your thoughts! Feel free to include as much or as little information as you like.
How can I vote for options other than those of @NicoleJohnson? I insert a new tool and reorder some of the same tools.
2. Multi-Field Formula
3. Multi-Row Formula
I used an Alteryx Easter egg to go old-school on the tools. As you can see, the Filter tool deserves a little TLC as it has been around longer than the Multi tools. Since this is a THURSDAY thought, and Thursday is a Throwback day I encourage others to vote Filter into inclusion in the new expression editor club.
P.S. Do you know how I converted the icons? It is a trick that anyone can do.
Number one for me, by a mile: Action Tool... from the Interface tab for use in macros... this results in some huge, ugly expressions and it would be really nice to have auto-complete and syntax highlighting there.
Others, also based on my typical expression complexity
Dynamic Rename
For me, my Filters, while ubiquitous, are usually pretty trivial, simple expressions.
I'm going with....
1) Filter. You don't know how many times I've typed the first few letters of a variable/function followed by the tab.
2) Multi-Row Formula. I love it's ability to group by, and I use it all the time.
3) Multi-Field Formula. I can imagine how great it will be when I only have to type _C and then tab to get the CurrentField.
4) Generate Rows. 3 expression editors for the price of 1.
1. Filter Tool.
2. Multi-Field Tool.
3. Action Tool or Generate Rows Tool.
I would say no to the Multi-Row Tool first because it would also have to manage the negative and positive indexing. This would make it more difficult to implement cleanly, in my opinion. I'd rather go for the quicker wins.
Well, since we can't vote for ALL of the tools, here are mine:
1. Filter - Filter is a top tool/favorite. And an updated formula interface would be great
2. Generate Rows - all three pieces of it can use formulas, so again, updated interface here would be such a benefit!
3. Dynamic Select - another tool I use/teach often. Updated interface to make it easier!
Thanks for starting this discussion.
Warm regards, Esther
Hi all,
My three tools are:
- Filter
- Multi-Row Formula
- Multi-Field Formula
But.... Why just three? I want it in all !!
We know you can!!
BTW: Just a quick comment on the new expression editor. When you use a String expression in it, that string turns italic and light green. There's something that bothers me, and is that the pipe ( | ) looks like the slash ( / ) when this happens.
Definitely looking forward to more of the new expression editor! I heard at Inspire that work on the Filter tool is already begun, so excluding that one I'd say...
1) Multi-Row Formula (I use this a lot, and according to the Periodic table of Alteryx tools, a lot of other people do too!)
2) Multi-Field Formula (I use this a lot, and according to the Periodic table of Alteryx tools, a lot of other people do too!)
3) Action (for the same reason @JohnJPS...my most crazy expressions are in Action tools)
4) Dynamic Select
I had to throw the Dynamic Select up there because it's not even listed on the "expression editor" help page even though it has one! Its expression editor is unique due to the options you can pick under Variables --> Fields.
How about selecting priority based on usage? The Periodic Table of Alteryx tools https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Engine-Works-Blog/The-Periodic-Table-of-Alteryx-tools/ba-p/64120 would put the order of priority at:
1. Filter
2. Multi-Field Formula
3. Multi-Row Formula
Somewhat related, the Regex tool also needs a better expression editor, at least a font like Courier New, and syntax highlighting would be ideal.