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Sum ifs & Vlookup

5 - Atom

I have a 2 files, one included reference numbers and amount and the other file just the amounts.


-  I need to first sum up all the amounts in the reference numbers are a match

- Then need to use a vlookup to match the summed amounts with the other file.


any help is greatly appreciated!

13 - Pulsar

Start with using a Summarize Tool and group by the Reference Numbers and sum the amounts. Follow that with a Join Tool and join the output of the Summarize Tool with your other file based on the Reference Numbers.

5 - Atom

Hi thanks for your reply! I forgot to mention that I have multiple identical reference numbers and only certain one requires summing up. In excel i could used another unique identifier/criteria to tackle this. I think your solution would sum up all the ref. numbers, is there another way to approach this? Again Thank you! 

13 - Pulsar

Group on the identifier as well in the summarize tool.

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