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Santalytics 2019 | Clue #7

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)



In search of remnants following the devastating antimatter-matter explosion, sucking Santa deep into a black hole, Santa’s Reindeer went on a quest to uncover clues lost in the Alteryx Community.

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, check out SANTALYTICS 2019 | Oh no! Santa’s lost in time! We look forward to your participation!


Untitled design (1).pngDonner has been searching all over the world for Santa with no luck! He decided to call up all his reindeer friends from the North Pole for an important meeting.


From this meeting, the reindeer discovered that more antlers are better than two! They share holiday experiences, brainstormed how to find Santa, and ended the night with plenty of carrots and eggnog.

Donner had such a good time learning from the other reindeer, he proposes to create a reindeer user group! The other reindeer loved the idea! Perhaps a user group can help find Santa?


Clue #7

Locate the Alteryx User Groups Meeting Round Up, find the last time the North Jersey Alteryx User Group shared a recap, subtract the month from the day that the meeting took place.

Hold onto your answer. You'll need it to complete the final challenge on December 16.

Are you stumped? Feel free to reply to this thread with questions.

Additional information along with contest terms can be found here.

Be sure to tune in Tomorrow for Clue #8!

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