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Motivators for the Alteryx Certification

5 - Atom

Hi everyone!

Although my journey with Alteryx has just begun, I have really enjoyed learning about the functionality of the platform. I've browsed the discussion topics and have noticed that many other students such as myself have struggled with the exam though. How much time have you put into studying the material before feeling like you had a good grasp on the platform in order to brace the exam? What motivates you to continue and not give up or pull all your hair out? 

Help me keep the motivation to succeed going!

11 - Bolide

I think it's a poor idea to treat Alteryx certification as you would a typical school exam. Passing the Alteryx certification without data / analytics  experience creates little value in my opinion and does not demonstrate skill. Knowing how the tool works does not help organizations solve problems unless you also have a good foundation in a data related discipline.  I would suggest using the tool on a few class projects or in an internship  and then taking the certification after you have a few months of hands on experience, you will pass easily with little studying.   


As a manager, I would be more inclined to hire some with limited data analytics experience, even project / internship  based, and no Alteryx knowledge then a student who has passed the exam but has no real experience. The tool is easy to learn a couple of weeks if you have experience working with data.  Start by building knowledge in SQL, Python, and Alteryx will come easy. 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Such a great question @emamescua!


I just recently got my core certification, and it was an extremely frustrating experience. That said, my expertise is in Community -- not data & analytics.  To me certification is a great way to supplement your overall learning experience.  Use the exam to understand what you know and don't know, take the time to learn more in the areas where you struggled, and then take the exam again. 


Tagging in the certification team for advice... @ElizabethB & @EricR -- We'd love to hear your perspective too!


Hi @emamescua ,


The biggest piece of advice I can give is to treat the exam as part of the learning process.  It is very common to require multiple attempts in order to pass the exam, and as frustrating as it can be to not perform well on a test, each time you take it you are becoming a better user of Designer.  Given that the test is open book, you can use your available resources in order to learn more about Designer as you attempt questions that stretch your level of understanding.


If you haven't done so already, I would spend time going through the Getting Started Learning Path, completing some beginner weekly challenges, and reviewing the Core Cert Prep Guide and Practice test.  When you take the exam, make sure you use all two hours that are allotted and use your resources as needed (Designer, one tool examples, Community articles, help documentation, etc.).


If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to


All the best,



Alteryx Certification Team

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