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Maveryx Chatter: Tips , Tricks, and Features


Think back to your first time using Alteryx... Was it like the invention of the wheel, or did it feel like a puzzle missing a few pieces?


This Maveryx Chatter might just save someone hours of frustration!


What's that one Alteryx tip, trick, or feature you wish you knew when you were just getting started?

Matt Rotundo
Alteryx Community Moderator
8 - Asteroid

I was a solid six months into using Designer very regularly before discovering the "Disable All Tools that Write Output" in the Workflow Configuration - Runtime tab.  So many different types of output tools unnecessarily in their own tool container needing to be individually toggled on or off. 😆 Yes, there are plenty of other ways to do this but that check box option saved time during development testing on larger workflows.


Oooh this is a good one but I started back in 2009 so.....everyone should take a second to celebrate that likely all the tips and tricks I wish I knew back then have been thoroughly addressed through product enhancements, Community bogs, Academy lessons, Knowledge articles, Mission Control functionality, or ACE Tricks, etc.


I think that is my 'wish I knew' tip and trick....if you can think it, Alteryx can almost certainly do it! And, assume the answer is out there, keeping searching until you find it, and of course - come back to Community to share the solution with friends!!


And my actual product tip, or maybe hot take depending on your perspective,  that I wish more people knew is that if you need to do batch or repetitive reporting (say a weekly report emailed to your boss with your key metrics in a table + some text + a chart or two with dynamic headings etc) the Report tools are worth digging into with an extra tip to take advantage of the training resources to get you started. The time I spent learning how to use the tools and build a report have been saved 10x over the years through automation! 

Cailin Swingle
Customer Experience
5 - Atom

At the start of 2023, I was looking for solutions to some challenges I was facing with macros. During my search, I stumbled upon an article that introduced a method to add macros directly to the toolbar. This revelation felt like a game-changer, especially since we rely on a large number of macros. The ability to quickly access them from the toolbar promised to save a lot of time and improve workflow efficiency, making it feel like a perfect solution to our needs. 



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