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How would you recommend someone get started with the Alteryx Reporting Suite?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)


GOT THOUGHTS.pngWhile it’s been just about a month since the last official Thursday Thought, I was happy to see our members holding down the fort. Thanks to @ksklar, @ydmuley and @Balders for posing such excellent questions to the community. I included links to the threads below, and would encourage you to continue the conversation. Great stuff!



Alrightythen… moving on to this week’s question.


There’s been a few announcements recently about current (11.3) and expected improvements to the reporting capabilities available within Alteryx, and wanted to take this opportunity to ask a related question. 



How would you recommend someone get started with the Alteryx Reporting Suite? Where should they begin?


Need some inspiration? @KatieH provides a great list of resources in a recent blog post introducing the New Visual Layout Tool.

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi Leah


I think the Tool Mastery section is a great starting point.

Searching "tool mastery | report" in the Community should give access to very complete posts about the tools involved in Reporting.




12 - Quasar

I would start with the Help->Sample Workflows->Describe what is happening:


- Create a report layout
- Create a report with a chart and a table
- Create summary tables for a report





There is also a nice One tool example for the Table tool.


One gotcha to be aware with the current Charting tool is the x-axis is record sequence, so you want to ensure each record represents a consistent interval. For example:

11 - Bolide

Pick a simple data manipulation they find themselves doing on a repeated basis and start to try and figure out a way to build a flow to do that same data manipulation to the desired output. Once you build one flow that takes care of even a single repetitive process you've been doing manually you will be addicted to trying to automate as much as possible with Alteryx.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I got started with the Table tool, and the eMail tool - and we used this for simple alerts and some error-trapping & control.

We did this for a long time before starting to introduce headers; layouts; etc.


So - my vote would be to start with basic table into e-mail.

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