Hi Community,
It's almost time for this year's Advent Alteryx of Code. Who's up for taking part?
For those not familiar, this is a set of daily programming puzzles set by Eric Wastl set every day from the 1st to 25th December.
Sometimes these suit Alteryx, other times they don't!
The goal of the challenge is to do it using core Alteryx functionality only (and have some fun and learn some stuff). This means no R, Python or Command Line tools.
We have a private leaderboard that you are welcome to join (code 453066-ca912f80), and hopefully, we will have a discussion page for each question and depending on how I get on a few blogs along the way!
cc: @Jean-Balteryx @NicoleJohnson @danilang @patrick_digan @SteveA @peter_gb @estherb47 @cgoodman3
I will give it a try this year as well.
I'm excited to finally participate this year!
Day 1 in the bag... let's see how far we can go this year... 😅
I’m in!
Fun Event!
@DataCurious_Nick there should be a thread for each day! At least that's the plan
I am quiet new to this. Can anyone tell how to see the challenges
Hi @Keerthi1 - The challenges are hosted on this site: https://adventofcode.com/2021 - if you sign up (free!) and use the code in the top post, you'll get access to the Alteryx private leaderboard.
Click on the day number to access the challenge:
Hope that helps!
So... this came on my feed... pretty appropriate...
Sounds like fun... I'm in!