Discussion thread for day 1 of the Advent of Code - https://adventofcode.com/2024/day/1
Should have just stayed awake with you crazy people last night... this one was quick enough, could have gotten right to bed after lol.
a lovely warmup to the season!
Day 1 of AOC - Off and running!
Whoops. Forgot it was Dec 1!! Quick solve once I remembered that's it's the most wonderful time of the year!! 🎉
Like last year, I'll be keeping an eye out for fun new things we've released in Designer in the past few releases that help speed up time to AoC solve... would love to hear if others find new options, functions, and features helpful too!! So far, I'm once again loving the ability to set up an AoC-specific Custom Workflow Template to get a quick start each day, and loving the GetPart function for parsing starting data in a Formula! ❤️
Happy AOC solving!!
Day 1 solved
A lovely challenge to kick things off with! Nice and quick addition to go from part 1 > part 2.
Note: If you're looking for an easy way to generate all of your starting files - check out this app I built recently! https://github.com/DataNath/AoC_startFile_generator