Discussion thread for day 4 of the Advent of Code - https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/4
Finally got to use generate rows again. Brings back memories from last year.
My take on this. I was literally freaking out while solving part-2 😅🤣🤣. My 2-tool Tool Golf solution I don't think it can be reduced more.
Happy Analyzing :)
Cheers and have a nice day!
@trung2403 For Tool golf you could probably convert your three text to columns into regex to parse the groups.
I like seeing how @clmc9601 , @atcodedog05 and @trung2403 have solved it in fewer tool, but my brain worked more like @bflick today.
So no where near tool golf, but pleased to have a functioning brain at 5am today!
My best try for Golf is 3 tools for both parts 1 and 2.
Tool Golf = 2!! (No, that's not how I did it the first time, I chose instead to go the long way with several Text to Columns and a lot of confusion about which column was which in my formula comparisons... but I got there pretty quickly, nonetheless 😁)