Discussion thread for day 9 of the Advent of Code - https://adventofcode.com/2023/day/9
Got it! I screwed up on my initial RegEx and dropped the negative signs. I ended up rebuilding the workflow 3 times and the macro twice (thanks @phottovy (again) for posting your workflow - it helped affirm I was doing the dang workflow right), getting the same wrong answer every time (which was frustrating at the time, but now makes me feel better) before finally catching the RegEx error. I'm going to sit and stare at a wall for awhile :)
@clmc9601 - I wanted to do something like this but couldn't figure out how! I could see it in my brain but had no idea how to make it happen. It's so beautiful 😍
Just a lot of copy/paste. Part 1 was intuitive but part 2 was not for me.
I spent much time on part1 then realize the criteria I set for all the numbers become zero is incorrect.
I used Sum and there are cases like -1, -0 and 1, then the macro will stop to continue and gave me wrong result...
Fun and quick challenge today - gave time to catch up on day 5 :-)
There's a trick to this one too
Day 9 completed! Definitely not as succinct as it could've been but just enjoying getting to the answers - another fun challenge and both parts run together in 1.6s.
seem like i built the shortest macro. but lot of dynamic rename involved.