Discussion thread for day 1 of the Advent of Code - https://adventofcode.com/2024/day/1
Nice warmup today!
Wishing I'd used the new Rank tool from 24.2!
Yay for a gentle start to the AoC season! I'm so excited that AoC is finally here!!🤩
This is the ONLY use case in which I accept "Join by Record Position" as a valid configuration of the Join tool. Even here, it's shorthand. A more robust method, in my opinion, is to assign record IDs and use that as the join key.
Simple yet great start to AoC 2024! This was a great warm up for what I know is to come.
Data Prep:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Happy Solving to all others participating. I'm super excited for the rest of the days, so bring it on!
AoC 2024 has just started!
Seeing a lot of the same solution ideas! Well done. Such a great Alteryx type of puzzle!
After being peer pressured to solve Alteryx on a Saturday night, I have Day 1 complete. I'm glad this wasn't horrible!