Discussion thread for day 18 of the Advent of Code - https://adventofcode.com/2023/day/18
Finally completed Part 1 and I am convinced that Part 2 is beyond my reach... 😂
But it really feels good when looking at the output.
Got P1 thanks to D10 process! P2, well, that will take some time
Part 1 only for today - need to have a think about how else I can approach P2 as using the same method here ends up generating over 300 billion rows!
My solution which runs in about 1.5 seconds for both parts.
First one in a while that has felt good. I've been able to do most of them but it felt like a hack but this one with the algorithm in place is .4 seconds to do part 2 no macros just multi-row formulas. There is probably more elegant way to handle next(last) = first but this does the job.
xymd has the remains of my original build path and fill solution to part 1, which worked but would not have run part 2 during the remainder of human civilization.
Thats crazy. 😁
Maybe you can share the geometry lesson again? 🤣
@Qiu, I'm happy to share some hints.
i ask bing AI for this question. it gives me some clues but still have to go to reddit for more idea.
luckily learn some python, and the code is explained well.