I was a little surprised that my and @clmc9601 look so similar. Welcome surprise that I'm not building a stupid solution this time.
I was able to cut it down to a very similar solution to Claire, the only difference being, that I save another tool for Part 2 (she can probably reduce her solution as well. On a note: I think your solution ( @clmc9601 ) might have a small mistake in Part 2. I think you should use all elements and not only the ones that are larger than 100000, or I misread something. Either way, one of us was lucky today :D
This problem felt similar to some from the past.
EDIT: I could delete some redundant tools and get it down to this:
My refractor 2nd attempt, taking a lot of hints from @grossal and @clmc9601 . Concurred with @grossal on both the extra tool and the error in the WF (although not affecting the solution). Still have not figured out how the Tile tool works in @AkimasaKajitani solution
I managed to find a 6 tool solution to part 1. Still need to find time to look at part 2.
Missed a space in a formula 😐
Originally I made an iterative macro to join directories onto previous levels, like Weekly challenge 12 - but the directory names are not unique so everything exploded.
I will not stop creating unique and hideous solutions and will not clean it up after the fact. Those tools were a process
Good catch, @grossal! I actually did that intentionally, although it makes it less dynamic. I knew that the needed disk space was >1000000 so all of those rows would exit the false anchor of the next filter anyway. :)
@DawnDuong Tile tool shows the folder level(depth).
/ x / y / z
x = depth level 1
y = depth level 2
z = depth level 3
Honeslty, my first solution is not elegant. It was the result of a struggle.
Fun one today with my favourite ever generate rows. I pulled the answers needed from both parts by skimming the output of the last tool rather than explicitly filtering down to it.