Discussion thread for day 5 of the Advent of Code - https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/5
Decided early that this needed an iterative macro. Changed my mind and tried to make a batch macro work. It took me an embarrassing amount of time to figure out that no... batch macros would absolutely not work here (at least in my implementation). I suppose this is my annual reminder to brush up on iterative macros!
My final solution is over engineered, but it works and I'll take that as a win today! ⭐⭐
I was also pretty hyped that part 2 was as simple as switching a tool sort for me.
Day 5 done ! ✔️
It begun, ... the iterative challenges ! This is how they all started to lose faith ...
Day 5 is definitely a step up, marking the first time Iterative macro is called on to do almost code-like tasks in BaseA.
If only Alteryx has the Matrix muscles of Matlab!
Generating the clean arrays take quite a few tools...
... thus making the Macros relatively mild. Only 1 tool difference between part 1 and part 2 for me.
I can predict that 6 will be worse...
Not pretty for me today, but I did get there eventually. Part2 was easy once I got Part1
@clmc9601 wrote:
I have a tendency to build metacode solutions: using Alteryx to dynamically assemble expressions/queries/workflows for me. If there were an eval() function, this nested macro could have been some kind of multi-row formula...
@clmc9601 I'd love to see an eval function! It could be really powerful.
I saved all the tough iterative macro weekly challenges to the end and just did them so I think I was in the right mindset for this one. Big step up but a lot of fun (would be a few extra tools at the start and another macro input to be a perfect input to output so not fully applicable to golf)
Here is mine for today. A perfect use case for the CReW Dynamic Formula tool!
getting the inputs in the right format was by far the most annoying bit