Discussion thread for day 2 of the Advent of Code - https://adventofcode.com/2021/day/2
I successfully overcomplicated it today
Still manageable at this point !
It's cool how simple @jdunkerley79's alteryx abacus can make things by allowing everything in a single formula tool (non-BaseA):
Thanks to @NicoleJohnson that posted a question and @estherb47 that anwered it, I was able to manage this one (Still having a lot of issues with my english).
Once you pass the "language barrier", it gets fairly easy.
Also, there is no way I can maintain staying up so late for the drop. Especially once they get challenging!
Getting back in the habit of using vectors-as-strings to keep the tool count down(But the expressions get more complex)
Getting a lot of use out of the multi-row formula tool so far!