Nice to have a shorter challenge this time!
Took me 30 min to figure out in one of my convoluted formulas I put an X where I needed a Y. Fun solution without an iterative macro.
Originally I just did it by brute force for speed as it was only 12 instructions to replicate, however due to my folding error I ended up building a macro to check my answers
Using the spatial tools to plot points gets you a nice and easy to read output.
@bflick nice non-macro solve 👍
Today is iterative day.
Bizarrely enough, my macro approach failed, so here is a non-macro version.
IF [Step]=1 THEN
IF [Axis]="x" AND [Shift]<tonumber(REGEX_Replace([Point], "(\d+)\D+?(\d+)", "$1"))
THEN tostring(tonumber(REGEX_Replace([Point], "(\d+)\D+?(\d+)", "$1"))-2*(tonumber(REGEX_Replace([Point], "(\d+)\D+?(\d+)", "$1"))-[Shift]))+","+REGEX_Replace([Point], "(\d+)\D+?(\d+)", "$2")
ELSEIF [Axis]="y" AND [Shift]<tonumber(REGEX_Replace([Point], "(\d+)\D+?(\d+)", "$2"))
THEN REGEX_Replace([Point], "(\d+)\D+?(\d+)", "$1")+","+tostring(tonumber(REGEX_Replace([Point], "(\d+)\D+?(\d+)", "$2"))-2*(tonumber(REGEX_Replace([Point], "(\d+)\D+?(\d+)", "$2"))-[Shift]))
ELSEIF [Axis]="x" AND [Shift]<tonumber(REGEX_Replace([Row-1:New], "(\d+)\D+?(\d+)", "$1"))
THEN tostring(tonumber(REGEX_Replace([Row-1:New], "(\d+)\D+?(\d+)", "$1"))-2*(tonumber(REGEX_Replace([Row-1:New], "(\d+)\D+?(\d+)", "$1"))-[Shift]))+","+REGEX_Replace([Row-1:New], "(\d+)\D+?(\d+)", "$2")
ELSEIF [Axis]="y" AND [Shift]<tonumber(REGEX_Replace([Row-1:New], "(\d+)\D+?(\d+)", "$2"))
THEN REGEX_Replace([Row-1:New], "(\d+)\D+?(\d+)", "$1")+","+tostring(tonumber(REGEX_Replace([Row-1:New], "(\d+)\D+?(\d+)", "$2"))-2*(tonumber(REGEX_Replace([Row-1:New], "(\d+)\D+?(\d+)", "$2"))-[Shift]))
ELSE [Row-1:New]
Very similar situation to @clmc9601 @cgoodman3 - but I used the reporting tools to generate the output instead.
Also - mine had custom picked icons for the macros - it's those extra little touches that count (or so I hear).
Is it cheating if i rendered the answer using excel because reporting tools are too difficult?
edit: as a self-proclaimed spatial tool fan i'm ashamed i didn't think of create points... i've done too many challenges today