A real pathfinding mission. Reminder that regex functions have to be specified as case sensitive! Hopefully saves you a little time. Iterative macros for the win yet again.
Challenge 1 Macro:
Challenge 2 Macro
Thankful for dynamic rename and dynamic select!
Happy with my solution today. Although part 2 took slightly longer as I didn't realize only 1 small cave could be visited twice (I was letting them all be visited twice).
Macro for part 2. Similar to part 1 with only minor changes to let 1 small cave be visited twice:
Today is iterative day.
Macro for star1
Macro for star2
Macro for part 1
Macro for part 2
Slight modification to deal with the allowing a visiting one small cave once.
This took MUCH longer than it should have - the thing that tripped me up was allowing 1 double visit to a small cave rather than a blanket rule for all caves.
Really enjoyed the fact that I got to use the Arrange tool for this one.
The loop piece:
Join first to get all the possible entry.
verify the new chain, whether is small and count is 1.
verify whether is "-end"
verify again the count >2 whether are only have 1 small link appear twice.
I liked this one a lot(:
Inside the Macro:
Part 1 just used diff logic for continuing the loop