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General AFG Discussions

The Alteryx For Good program is currently being updated to better reflect our organizational values. Please be on the lookout for news regarding our new community presence in the future.

Any account execs on here?

7 - Meteor

I work at a nonprofit and entered information through the Alteryx For Good page last week and followed up by emailing  Alteryx For Good, but communication hasn't been as quick as I had hoped. I'm looking to get info on pricing for add-ons to Alteryx Designer as I've only used the basic license before. I sent over some financial documents yesterday, but haven't gotten any response to my first inquiry.


I'd love to get info on licensing options and obviously the associated costs for Designer's add-ons (scheduling, REST API calls, etc). I'm happy to schedule a meeting with someone who knows this information and really get the ball rolling as I'm evaluating alternatives now since communication has been slow. I really liked using Alteryx at a previous job, and see it being super valuable if we were to implement it at my current organization.


I'm not sure if my email is public, but happy to private message anyone. Not sure if I get emails when I get private messages either, so reply here and I'll be sure to follow up!

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hi @bkimup ,


Welcome to the community ! As you posted your message in it, it is public so anyone can answer.


If you want to know more about the pricing, here is a link that may be useful : https://www.alteryx.com/fr/products/platform-details/pricing

If you want more details, you should contact a sales representative.


Also, as you work for a non-profit and have access to Alteryx For Good, you have also access to the AFG Co-Lab which allows you to book a slot with a volunteer to help you with Alteryx.

Here is the link : https://www.afgcolab.com


If you have any question, just ask, that's what the community is for ! 🙂





7 - Meteor

Yep I've checked all those links, but I don't see information on some add-ons to Designer

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hi @bkimup ,


I only know about Location & Business Insights and the brand new AIS.





Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi there! Were you able to get an answer to your question on pricing? I help out with a few of the non-profits and happy to connect via phone if you'd like.