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Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

In case you missed it, we recapped our first event in this series here and the second one here.


It's time for the final recap in the events series on Vacation Proofing Your Workflows. In the third event, the topic was designing the inputs and outputs in your Alteryx workflows. Read on to hear some great event highlights from our ACEs and ACE Emeritus that participated!


Event #3: Designing Inputs & Outputs


When you want to go on vacation and hand your workflow off to others, there are some key considerations to set your coworkers up for success. Hear from @cplewis90  about the importance of managing data permissions:



Another piece of the setup is adding meaningful structure to your file system. @Samantha_Jayne explained how the structure needs to make sense for the business and use case:



In this event, we also chatted about making your workflow inputs dynamic. @DawnDuong brought up a great point about understanding the context of what should and shouldn't be dynamic when you are working on an Alteryx workflow:



@cplewis90 followed up with a great tip for leveraging the dynamic input tool with the directory tool when you do need to pull in data dynamically:



One of the reasons we might want to handle data in a more dynamic way is because our input data might change--unbeknownst to us! Hear from @cplewis90 about how this happened to him and how his team dealt with it:



Finally, we chatted about points of failures within workflows. @Samantha_Jayne described her approach to reducing potential workflow failures, while @DawnDuong explained how the structure of the inputs/outputs and the structure of the workflow itself can help you mitigate failure risk.




Thanks for watching! This is the end of the highlights recap but if you would like to watch the full event recording or check out related resources, you can find all of that in this discussion thread: Webinar #3: Vacation Proofing Your Workflows.


We hope you feel equipped to prepare your Alteryx workflows so that you can take a relaxing vacation. 😎 

Megan Bowers
Sr. Content Manager

Hi, I'm Megan! I am a Sr. Content Manager at Alteryx. I work to make sure our blogs and podcast have high quality, helpful, and engaging content. As a data analyst turned writer, I am passionate about making analytics & data science accessible (and fun) for all. If there is content that you think the community is missing, feel free to message me--I would love to hear about it.

Hi, I'm Megan! I am a Sr. Content Manager at Alteryx. I work to make sure our blogs and podcast have high quality, helpful, and engaging content. As a data analyst turned writer, I am passionate about making analytics & data science accessible (and fun) for all. If there is content that you think the community is missing, feel free to message me--I would love to hear about it.