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Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX

Welcome to the Dallas-Ft. Worth User Group

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North America Central Alteryx User Group Q4 Meeting, December 17th!

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi, DFW Alteryx User Group Members!  The Austin, Dallas / Fort Worth, St. Louis, Chicago and Twin Cities User Group Leaders would like to invite you to our next North America Central Alteryx User Group meeting!


This meeting will be on Thursday, December 17th, from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. Central time, and will feature a Predictive Tools use case in Alteryx.  In addition, we will have an interactive portion, allowing all guests to collaborate in a hands-on event, and work alongside your fellow Alteryxians to solve some cool Alteryx puzzles!


The agenda will be as follows:


12:00 PM – 12:10 PM
Welcome & Icebreaker
12:10 PM – 12:30 PM
Presentation: Predictive Use Case w/ TBA
12:30 PM – 12:35 PM
Community Updates
12:35 PM – 1:00 PM
Hands-on Activity
1:00 PM – 1:30 PM
Hands-on Activity Debrief & Closing
Please join us for a fun event that combines all Alteryx user groups from Texas to Minnesota!  To RSVP, please see the following link:
Also, please mark your calendars for the regional Dallas / Fort Worth Alteryx User Group meeting this Friday, December 18th, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. CT.  If you are interested in RPA (Robotic Process Automation) and Alteryx, we have a special guest speaker!
Thanks again, and we look forward to seeing you at both meetings!
@Deanna and the North America Central Alteryx User Group leadership team
12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi, User Group Members!  Thank you to all who attended the Q4 North America Central Alteryx User Group meeting on December 17th; it was an awesome meeting, with an informative presentation on Predictive Analytics, along with an ad hoc discussion on the new Assisted Modeling features in the Alteryx Intelligence Suite add-on!


We had a very fun interactive portion where members were assigned to breakout rooms, and together we built an Analytic App from a blank canvas, using one of the Santalytics datasets that can be found at this link:  Sample Data Sets and Ideas - Alteryx Community .  Our team decided to use the "Billboard Top 100 Christmas Carol Dataset" which can be viewed here:  Billboard Top 100 Christmas Carol Dataset | Kaggle .  We had a great time building the Analytic App, with some excellent suggestions on how to allow the end user to determine whether they wanted the "best" or "worst" Holiday songs!  🙂  Thanks to host Jonathan Shertok for expertly facilitating, and for the great image to use with the app!


Attached is the Analytic App; we hope to submit it to the Santalytics contest by December 31st; please see the Santalytics page for more information:  Santalytics 2020 - Alteryx Community 


For those members who participated in the NA Central User Group meeting, please feel free to download the attached app and add more features to it!  Please upload your updated app to this page as a reply, and we can submit on December 31st for the contest!


I am copying the users who were part of the build process on the attached app; thank you for your awesome participation and suggestions, and please feel free to add your enhancements to this app as well!


Happy Holidays to everyone and a wonderful New Year!




cc:  Our NA Central breakout room team members:  Aimee, Austin, Dave, Emily, Eric, Jen, Jujlija, Junwei, @JustinBabbitt , Kaush, Kelly, Kris, L. Scott, @lc_p , Pam, @DALAM20 , Rachel, Raghav, Rajat, Renu, Scott, @Inactive User , @shertokj , Sujana, @tareque , @mkcompton , and others!
