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Coventry-Northampton, UK

Welcome to the Coventry-Northampton User Group

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Welcome to the Northampton User Group! Please Introduce Yourself.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hello User Group Members!


Welcome to the Alteryx User Group Comminity for Northampton, UK.


I'm very excited to get this new community running and meeting all the passionate Alteryx users in the area!


Please take a moment by answering the questions below to introduce yourself;

  1. What is your name and industry you work in?
  2. How do you currently use Alteryx?
  3. What areas would you like to grow in?
ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Hi everyone, I am Samantha. :)


I am currently working within the retail industry at Sainsbury's (including Sainsbury's Argos).


We use Alteryx in a number of ways within our division at the moment, we have desktop, spatial, scheduler and sever and utilise it all. We enjoy creating apps, macros and batch macros to assist our users everyday and solve business problems. I personal would love to grow in predictive and to be able to do more analytics, often find myself stuck in the day to day required jobs and forget to arrange some playing time. At the moment I am training a number of people up to use Alteryx within Sainsbury's for various purposes such as webscraping, app building, creating catchments, etc.


I am thrilled to be leading this group and mentoring others through their analytical discoveries.


What I love about Alteryx, I love the fact that I can start and finish a task, job within the same program. 

(Please share what you love too - what makes you passionate about Alteryx)

5 - Atom


My name is Patricia - I work for BNYMellon in upstate New York State

Currently I am using Alteryx for database and digital pulse reporting and on various projects.

I would like to become more proficient in Alteryx - I feel as though I have just tapped the surface of what can be done using this tool.

I am excited to have this group as a resource.  I did attend the Alteryx Inspire 2016 in San Diego, California.  It was a wonderful experience and I would urge anyone that can attend any of the functions.  It was an eye opening experience to see all the different ways this product was employed.

7 - Meteor

Hi All,


My name is Wasim and I lead the Multichannel Analytics team in Wolseley.  


We are the World's largest distributor of plumbing and heating product.  My team and I are responsible for understanding customer and product performance across all our various channels including offline (branches), eCommerce and identifying new innovative ways to drive performance and growth. Unfortunately like many, our data is fragmented, unstructured and comes from a multitude of different sources - as someone who has used Alteryx for almost three years... clearly Alteryx was going to save the day :) 


I would definitely like to understand more about the predictive capabilities of Alteryx, especially around basket analysis to identify cross-selling opportunities for customers and developing "apps" through Alteryx Server. 


Alteryx has changed my day-to-day role, makes it incredibly enjoyable and my team share the same view - Alteryx Community is one big family and look forward to meeting like-minded people in this forum and at Inspire London 2017.


8 - Asteroid

Hi all,


I am James Grady, I am a commercial analyst and I work at Wolseley. Wolseley UK is the UK operating company of Ferguson plc, the world’s leading specialist distributor of plumbing and heating products.


We currently use Alteryx predominantly for data cleansing, manipulation and enriching. This has helped make great strides in process automation, preparation of data extracts for tableau and get more granular with our data.


I would be keen to learn about good use cases for spatial and predictive analysis. Wolseley has a UK wide branch network and extra spatial insight could prove very valuable. 





7 - Meteor

Hello Alteryx Aficionado's


My Name is Lee and I am Head of Data and Analytics for the Atlas Hotels group based in Stratford we are hospitality management company our main focus is the operation of Holiday |nn Express  properties in the UK.


I have been using Alteryx for around 2 years and my main usage is for merging and preparing data for use in Excel.


I am keen to learn more about the predictive analytics functionality in Alteryx and how to connection to different data sources.









ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Hey Lee!


Welcome, its great to hear of a hotel group using Alteryx! I would love to hear more and share with you some great tips on connections into many sources.


There will be a user group soon, keep an eye out, would you like to share?


I am hoping to ask Rebecca, a member of our group to come and share all about Tableau Conf at the next group also. So lots to learn :D


Welcome to the group.



7 - Meteor



Thank you would be great to put some names to faces and make some connections!





ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Absolutely! Lee, I look forward to meeting you! I will get organising the next meeting soon. I have been looking into the new Python SDK. Are you into Python? Have you tried creating your own python tool?


I have just done the walk through created by Neil and Nick has also done his own here:


All very interesting, especially as there is a competition at the moment. Give it a bash if you are feeling creative. 


Its a great walk through to understand what Alteryx needs where to be able to add a tool with all the relevant bits and pieces. 


Give it a go and if you complete a tool don't forget to post it into the competition!



8 - Asteroid



Is there a user group meet up planned soon?



