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Windows Authentication error after upgrade from 2019.3 to 2020.1 version

7 - Meteor



I need urgent support in fixing authentication error in alteryx gallery. I upgraded alteryx server from 2019.3 to 2020.1. After upgrade, when I try to log in to gallery, I received following error. I selected windows integrated authentication in configuration. Can someone please help us to fix this error?





8 - Asteroid

2020.2 Major released , is this issue fixed in latest version?

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hi @Yongcan!


This was fixed in our stable release of 2020.1, which is 2020.1.6, as well as in 2020.2.

Program Manager - Community Platform, Alteryx
7 - Meteor

I upgraded over the weekend, and also experienced this problem.  We were able to resolve.  The problem is the WindowsIdentity collection on a user's profile is somehow getting removed on initial login after the upgrade.  We found that restoring the WindowsIdentity collection values directly in the MongoDb corrects the issue.  Here are the steps:


  1. Open a command prompt on a server that can connect to your Mongo Db
  2. Execute command: cd C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin
  3. Execute command: mongo <Mongo Db server name>:<Mongo Db port number>/AlteryxGallery -u <username> -p <password>
  4. Execute command: db.users.find({"Email":"<email address of affected user>"}).pretty() - Use this result to confirm the WindowsIdentity collection is NULL
  5. Execute command: db.users.update({"Email":"<email address of affected user>"}, {$set: {"WindowsIdentity.Sid":"<Sid of affected user>"}})
  6. Execute command: db.users.update({"Email":"<email address of affected user>"}, {$set: {"WindowsIdentity.DisplayName":"<display name of affected user>"}})
  7. Execute command: db.users.update({"Email":"<email address of affected user>"}, {$set: {"WindowsIdentity.Name":"<name of affected user; this comes from windowsIdentitys.Name field>"}})
  8. Execute command: db.users.update({"Email":"<email address of affected user>"}, {$set: {"WindowsIdentity.SamAccountName":"<SamAccountName of affected user>"}})
  9. Execute command: db.users.find({"Email":"<email address of affected user>"}).pretty() - Use this to confirm the WindowsIdentity collection is populated.

I would recommend contacting Alteryx Support to confirm where to get these values.